Rock Angel by Joakim Karud

Karen Spencer  – Searchfunder

As a founding member and COO of Karen has assisted and consulted in bringing the world’s first technology platform for search fund entrepreneurs and investors.

She also consults and works hands-on with start-ups, non-profits, and established businesses on business strategy, business development, marketing, and legal strategy.

Her ultimate goal is to ensure that owners can create or expand their businesses profitably and successfully.

Karen Spencer
COO – Searchfunder

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FREE Resources from Karen Spencer at Searchfunder


1) Network with searchers

2) Find investors

3) Research industries


Karen Spencer: To ensure that owners can create or expand their businesses profitably and successfully.


Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS:
The 4-Step Search Fund Journey.

  • Securing an internship
  • Explore resources and case studies.
  • Market research and industry reports
  • Network with thousands of search funds and investors worldwide.

00:00:59 – I had gone to Stanford Business School where search funds originated from…

I’ve had a long and kind of winding road, so I was a practicing attorney, and I still have my bar licenses and all of that. And the intellectual property space and practice in Silicon Valley was Council for Nike Golf for a long time over nine years there. And at some point, I decided that I wanted to do something different, much more business oriented in some way. And I was looking around for a startup, and I met Luke and Mark, and I really liked them. I had gone to Stanford Business School where search funds originated from, but I had never really considered myself to be

And I just really liked Mark and Luke. We hit it off, and we’ve just been together ever since.

00:09:48 – I would love to join a gym where every time I showed up, I got a discount

So we have a monthly subscription option where if you engage in activities that benefit the community, such as posting or commenting on somebody else’s post to share information and insights, you get a discount on it. So I would love to join a gym where every time I showed up, I got a discount. Yes. That might be our next business that we do after Search funder.

00:28:23 – We’ve got women searchers in Australia, we’ve got folks in Singapore, we now have folks in Africa, we’ve got the first Egyptian search fund

I think the big story overall is the global nature of this. So this started out in the US, in California in the early Eighties. Nowadays we’ve got women searchers in Australia, we’ve got folks in Singapore, we now have folks in Africa, we’ve got the first Egyptian search fund. So it’s the global nature of it. And I think that it’s not just demographics. But I think that there’s a real desire to get back to basics generally. And the other thing that I’m seeing more and more often is impact.

00:34:47 – You can search the directory kind of like the old fashioned phone book
I get a lot of feedback from folks who are like, you know what? I listen to this playback on this video for an hour while I was on a treadmill, and it was awesome. So we have a lot of treadmill folks, and I’m glad you’re getting your exercise and education at the same time, which is great. And then the other thing that I did mention is our directory. We have directories of searchers, lenders, investors, professionals. And what you can do is search the directory kind of like the old fashioned phone book, search the directory and get math with people who fit whatever interest you’re looking at, whether it’s location or school, that kind of thing.

00:40:16 – Let’s say I have a deal and I’m looking for SBA lender for it

You basically either pick a location or a role for somebody. So let’s say I have a deal and I’m looking for SBA lender for it. I can go on Searchfunder, go to directory, look up lenders, see their ratings. I can look at the comments that people have made about that lender and check out their profile, see whatever they’ve ever written on the subject of search funds on their profile as

 00:48:46 –  All of us are guilty of analysis paralysis

 And all of us are guilty of analysis paralysis where we just keep analyzing it. And I’ve always searchers make a commitment one way or the other. Just make that commitment because that will force you to do the right kind of analysis, right?


1) Free Follow-up Course: Learn from Shoan how to foster more trust and connect deeper on every sale!

2) Your Big Data: Follow Shoans FREE training & you’ll discover Your Big Data in less than an hour!

3) Netflix and Chill: Learn how to create a funnel that converts!


Team from – Ep. 3

February 4, 2019